Career History


ARCUS Academy; Kyrgyzstan (FIDIC Trainer)

Mozambique (Member 3 man Dispute Board)

Large urban drainage project in the north of the country.

Ethiopia (Single Dispute Board Member) (2 Construction Contracts)

Adjudicator for a road construction project in the south of Ethiopia under the Multilateral Development Bank Hamonised Edition form of Contract.

Malawi (Specialist Contributor)

Provided training to Employers, Contractor nd Engineers in the FIDIC Forms of Contract (Red and Yellow Books under
an EC funded Capacity Transport Public Sector programme in Malawi

Djibouti (Adjudicator)

Appointed Sole Adjudicator under 1999 Red Book to an international development project by FIDIC President.



Ethiopia (Dispute Review Expert) (3 Construction Contracts)

Dispute Review Expert on several ongoing international construction contracts for road rehabilitation projects based on the FIDIC 4th Edition in Ethiopia.




Tanzania (Contract Specialist/Technical Auditor)

Advising Contractor and Employer for a road rehabilitation contract  in Dar es Salaam on concilation and mediation options relating to several major disputes.


Belize/Jamaica (Technical Auditor)

Technical Auditor to the EC funded “Accompanying Measures for Sugar programme (AMS) in Belize. This verification audit concerned a review of the executed Works as part of the upgrading of the 'Sugar Belt' road network. The Works are located in the Orange Walk District and Corozal Districts of Belize and had a value of approximately € 1.8 million.



Albania (Team Leader)

Providing technical assistance to the Albanian Development Fund on their Local and Secondary Road Project establishing a Road Management System, Feasibility Study and Multi-Criteria Analysis for 3,000 Km road network.



Nepal (Engineer/ Dispute Advisor)

Road Network Development Project which involved the construction of access roads and bridges into mountainous regions of Nepal. Works contracts carried out by International and Local Contractors based on FIDIC MDB harmonised Edition. Advising the Employer on dispute and arbitration procedures.


Romania (Engineer)

Construction Supervision of Works Contracts (FIDIC Red and Yellow Edition 1999) funded under EC PHARE 02 Large Regional Infrastructure Projects Component. Numerous disputes involving Adjudication and Arbitration.



Eritrea (Technical Assistant)

Providing advice to the Eritrean Government with respect to capacity building and institutional reform/transformation of the Ministry of Public Works as a Regulatory Body, the establishment of a Road Authority (RA), the establishment of a Road Maintenance Fund Authority (RMFA) and the commercialisation and restructuring of Government owned Construction Companies.


Grenada (Technical Auditor)

Technical audit of a coastal defence and road rehabilitation contract (based on FIDIC 1999 Red Book). The purpose of the audit was to determine whether correct World Bank procurement procedures had been followed and to ensure that the works were completed in accordance with the Contract.



Montenegro (Engineer's Representative)

Engineers Representative for the supervision of a German Government (KfW) funded project consisting of 5 No. road, bridge, rock slope stability and tunnel rehabilitation projects in northern Montenegro.



Sri Lanka (Engineer's Representative)

Engineers Representative for the procurement and supervision of 16 No. road and bridge rehabilitation projects in Sri Lanka (Asian Development Bank funded).  The 250 Km project included overlays and widening of existing carriageways with asphalt concrete and Double Bituminous Surface Treatment. 



Nigeria (Engineer's Representative)

Kaura Namoda-Shinkafi-Sabon Birni road rehabilitation project for the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing (FIDIC Red Book 4th Edition).




Ethiopia (Technical Assistant / Engineer)

Providing advice to the Ethiopian Government on the institutional capacity building and institutional reform, including transitional arrangements, of eight newly created autonomous Regional Road Authorities (RRA). Formulation of the Ethiopian Rural Travel and Transport Programme. This project was funded by the European Commission (EC).




Philippines (Engineer)

“Engineer for the Works” (FIDIC Contracts) responsible for seven teams supervising the construction of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Fifth Road Improvement Project.  The projects comprised the widening and upgrading, from gravel to bitumen or earth to gravel, of seven sections of rural road totalling 300 km.  Net value for the works was US$ 65 million).



Papua New Guinea (Technical Assistant)

Responsible for all aspectsof work of the Roads Section at HQ in the position of Executive Engineer.  Design projects consisted of 14 major national highway projects funded by funding agencies ADB, IDA, JICA, AIDAB etc, and 110 minor road projects locally funded and subject to political interference.





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